Alright, if there is one thing I can look forward to at work, is the hope that someone will show up and epically fail for you. First, let us go over something real quick, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). Other than being one of my favourite systems of all time, it is also one of the more sought after systems from a previous generation (if only for it's nostalgic appeal). If you don't know what the SNES is.......than I fell bad for you, if you do......enjoy this epic fail that happened today.
A customer walked into the store today and was wondering if we carried any memory cards for the SNES, do I even have to correct someone on this? The SNES never had memory card slots, let alone memory cards themselves. And if that wasn't enough fail for you, the customer than went on to say that not only does the SNES have memory cards, but it doesn't even play cartridges. That's right, the SNES we all grew up with and loved was a lie, it did not play cartridges, instead it played discs. I spent a total of 30 minutes trying to convince the "customer of fail" of the real SNES' existence. He got so pissed that I would tell such (and I dare) quote "uniformed lies" that he wanted to get me written up by my manager for not helping him. Well, I got my manager (who had Internet access on his blackberry) to FINALLY show the customer what a SNES is.
After all of that was over, it turned out that the guy was as high as a kite and the system he was really looking for was the PS3. That customer left feeling really stupid about himself, but he really did make my day.
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