A customer came in today and very enthusiastically proclaimed "I have some games to trade, and they are worth top dollar!" I thought he was being sarcastic, especially when they only ended up being worth $2.27. This didn't phase him as he picked out a $2.99 Gameboy Advance cartridge and handed me eighty-five cents to pay for the difference. When I asked for his ID (a requirement for trading in games) he gleefully skipped out to his car to get it. Then he came back and told me that he had forgotten his wallet (meaning he was driving around without a driver's license) and handed me his business card and credit card. His business card was very nice, since it had a fairly large full-colour picture of him, but neither cards were government-issued ID. When I told him I could accept his cards, he stormed out of the store. My boss shouted to him "Hey! You forgot your games!" to which he replied "Whatever, just keep them." He never came back, never took the game he bought, and didn't even get a refund.
One guy came in asking if the Dissidia game was in, and refused to refer to it or any other game in the series as anything other than "Fag Fantasy." Also, he was a huge fan of those games.
Finally, I was instructed by my boss to call back a customer who had called us earlier. He had a backwards-compatible PS3 and wanted to know how to upload his PS2 save games from his memory card to his console. I wasn't even sure if it could be done, though I had a theory about how to do it. For some reason, my boss instructed me to "not overtalk him" and that he was the type of person who "thought he knew everything." What I can't understand is why he would call a retail store for something that Sony's official support line would be more qualified to answer.
I know normalcy is a lot to ask for these days, so can I at least ask for less than this level of weird? The above image is how I feel about these customers and their inanity. Thanks to Paco for the .gif and Giant Bomb for teh funy.
DO NOT WANT!!!! Yeah, people are very weird.